On 11/16/23 15:20, Bagas Sanjaya wrote:
On Wed, Nov 15, 2023 at 07:43:49PM +0200, Nikolai Kondrashov wrote:
Make scripts/checkpatch.pl ensure any added V: fields reference
documented test suites only, and output a warning if a change to a
subsystem doesn't certify the required test suites were executed,
if any.
If the test suite description includes a "Command", then checkpatch.pl
will output it as the one executing the suite. The command should run
with only the kernel tree and the regular developer environment set up.
But, at the same time, could simply output instructions for installing
any extra dependencies (or pull some automatically). The idea is to
get the developer into feedback loop quicker and easier, so they have
something to run and iterate on, even if it involves installing some
more stuff first. Therefore it's a good idea to add such wrappers to the
kernel tree proper and refer to them from the tests.rst.
Does it also apply to trivial patches (e.g. spelling or checkpatch fixes
as seen on drivers/staging/)?
Do you mean, will checkpatch.pl suggest executing test suites for trivial
patches as well? If so, then yes, of course. These are inevitable victims of
such mechanisms in general, and it's hard to make an exception for them, but
we have to consider the overall benefit of having more uniform testing vs.
making trivial changes a bit more difficult.