Dear Sir / Madam, we have initiated a WiFi SAR/RF testing/certification effort of our current device (handheld, TI WL1271 WLAN/Bluetooth BLE module, current Linux distribution: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, to be modernized). During our activities with Korean KC certification body, the following request has been made (T?V Korea): Mail 2016-06-14: " Please keep the power limit of less than 20mW as sent in our previous e-mail (if not fulfilled, the test will be failed). <red>Please do not send out samples before it complies to the requirement.</red> " 20mW equals 13dBm. We already successfully applied a modified signed regulatory.bin to have (and thus use) the reduced limit, however obviously we'd strongly prefer to have an official upstream release binary which: - where not up-to-date (e.g. older distribution base) can be custom-applied - where already up-to-date vs. upstream implicitly does have/receive all necessary future updates - is signed with official wireless-regdb / distro keys We then asked for a paper trail (specs document, black-and-white dead-tree notice etc.) in order to file a thoroughly/legitimately claimed request for conformance update of wireless-regdb (simply due to properly knowing the root cause / explanation for this request! Details on why this limit has been imposed, when it got required, which modulation types it applies to, ...), however that turned out to be difficult. We ultimately succeeded in receiving the proper reference (Korean document, available upon request) which lists the 20mW requirement. Also, a prior Internet search for "dBm" had resulted in (4.??????????????????????.pdf , a nice UTF-8 mis-transcoding of originally Korean cp949 4.???.pdf 4.[uCCB4 uD638 uCC45].pdf) which appears to list device measurements, and where notably many 802.11g values of various company device models appear to be restricted to the 13dBm (i.e., 20mW) area. Due to other delays, this issue has not been pursued here (sorry!). Unfortunately it looks like wireless-regdb HEAD (9b3317bd4) does not yet have any change which would fulfill this certification requirement. Thus, I am now proposing (RFC) the following minimum (potentially extended/documented) update. I decided to restrict the limitation to 2.4GHz area only since the current certification effort (and thus the limit request) is about 2.4GHz. Thank you! Yours sincerely Andreas Mohr