Re: Compiling PHP code into stand-alone windows executable

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I generally use XAMPP on my machine myself, or alternatively, WAMP, or even a portable copy called uWAMPP, and have also played around with quickPHP, which is also a portable, low-level windows-compatible webserver instance, but, I would specifically like to find a way to hide the .php script source within a form of .exe wrapper.

As in, was playing around with PHP-desktop, and it still just offers a portable webserver setup, but, with PHP source code still fully available, and bambala seems to offer only PHP code execution, but, no form of an interface, besides command line output.

As in, what would really like to do is be able to, similar to how PHP-desktop brings up it's own embedded implementation of a browser window, accessing your source code, and reacting to it, be able to design all of my interface using html and css, and handle PHP script processing, but, without having to allow end users to too easily access the source code, etc.

Will carry on going through the various packages mentioned in that, and some other posts, but anyway.

Alternatively, suppose could try use one of the standard portable web browsers, while sort of hiding a form of run-time code-un-obfuscation key in there somewhere...LOL!

Stay well

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
"Resistance is futile, but, acceptance is versatile..."

On 2016-07-29 12:45 PM, Christoph Becker wrote:
On 29.07.2016 at 10:51, Jacob Kruger wrote:

The first answer in this stack exchange post lists a whole bunch of
means/methods to compile PHP code into windows executables:

Any other suggestions?
An option would be to bundle the PHP scripts in a PHAR, and to also ship
a PHP binary, maybe mostly self-contained by compiling in the extensions
statically (doesn't work for all exts, though).  A small .bat file could
then be used to start the app.  This way you couldn't ship a single .exe
file; instead there would be a few files (perhaps as few as app.phar,
php.exe, php7.dll, php.ini, app.bat).

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