Hi Guru,
Glad to hear it's working! Yes the mail function will be able to
handle all the fields, it should be as simple as repeating what you've
already done for all of the remaining fields
- Will
On Apr 4, 2011, at 1:09 PM, Guruâ <nagendra802000@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Will,
Below is my final PHP code, and its working now. However this is
just a small piece of the form that I have created. In my original
form I have more then 50 fields and variables. Now I am not sure how
to expand this code having all 50 fields. Can the mail function will
take that much fields?
if(isset($_POST['submit'])) // submit button clicked
$party_name = isset($_POST['party_name'])? $_POST['party_name']:null;
$contact_no = isset($_POST['contact_no'])? $_POST['contact_no']:null;
$pemail = isset($_POST['pemail'])? $_POST['pemail']:null;
$mymail = "nagendra802000@xxxxxxxxx";
if(mail($mymail, "New contact info submitted!","Party:
{$party_name} Contact: {$contact_no} Email: {$pemail}"))
echo 'Mail sent!<br />';