Apart from Warren's excellent advice, the source of your problem is
things like this:
How is PHP supposed to know that this is nested parentheses? You should
have done it like this:
Though of course, follow Warren's advice, and don't do it like this at
all ;-)
On 4/23/2010 6:34 AM, Alexander Schunk wrote:
i have a problem with php and mysql when inserting strings into a database.
I have the following syntax:
$sqlinsert = "INSERT INTO werte ('benutzername', 'passwort', 'name',
'vorname', 'Geburtsdatum', 'strasse', 'plz', 'ort', 'email')
VALUES('$_POST['benutzername']', '$_POST['passwort']',
'$_POST['name']', '$_POST['vorname']', '$_POST['Geburtsdatum']',
'$_POST['straße']', '$_POST['plz']', '$_POST['ort']',
I am getting an unexpected T_STRING .... error.
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