Hello and good day, I
have been researching all day about connecting with PHP to Active
Directory. I am at an extreme loss because I am not 100% on what is being
talked about. So in hopes of a resolution I am spilling it all here.
I have all access that I need in order to make any changes or adjustments that
I need to (either to domain controller/AD controller or anything else). I
just do not know exactly what I need to do in order to complete the
process. I do have Active Directory installed on the domain controller
which serves as DC and AD controller. I have a separate machine that is
running IIS 7.5 and is acting as my intranet server. I have installed the
latest version of PHP with LDAP support. I have searched high and low on
a simpler explanation of the LDAP commands used in php as it is new to me (know
a little procedural php code). The end result that I am trying to achieve
is that users on the local network are automatically logged into the intranet
website because their computer is already authenticated with AD for the logon
and for users outside of the network that attempt to access the site are queried
for their login credentials. I would much rather maintain one user
database than two and right now we are actually maintaining about three
databases (which becomes a headache). Is there anyone out there that can
shed some light on this matter so that I might get better educated on it?
Thank you in advance, James Coffman – Webmaster Central
Arkansas Development Council
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