backed up to PHP 5.2.6...only phpinfo.php!

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retreated to 5.2.6...phpinfo.php works
cannot connect to SQL Server 2008 (once worked for months)
doc_root =
cgi.force_redirect = 0 (recommended turned off for IIS)
extension_dir = "C:\PHP\ext"
I uncommented ALL the extensions like:

IIS 5.1 properties->home directory->configuration-> .php php5isapi.dll

I removed cgi 1.5 (trying to return to the state where everything worked)

My easy standalone (below) also quit working when I select demo

I get:

The page cannot be displayed 
There is a problem with a program on the page you are trying to reach, and the page cannot be displayed. 


Please try the following:

Open the home page, and then look for links to the information you want. 
Click the Refresh button, or try again later.

HTTP 403.1 Forbidden: Execute Access Forbidden
Internet Information Services


Technical Information (for support personnel)

You have attempted to execute a CGI, ISAPI, or other executable program from a directory that does not allow programs to be executed.

More information:
Microsoft Support

define( "ITMAX",100);
define( "EPS",3.0e-7);
    // If the submit button has been pressed
	$StockPrice = $ExercisePrice = $RiskFreeRateInterest = $InstantaneousVarianceRateStocksReturn = "";
	$TimetoExpirationOption = $ValueCallOption = $ValuePutOption = $DeltaCalls  = $DeltaPuts  = "";

    if (isset($_POST['reset']))

	$m_s = 100.;
	$m_e = 100.;
	$m_rf = .12;
	$m_sigma = .1;
	$m_time = 365.;
	Black_Scholes_Main($m_s, $m_e, $m_rf, $m_sigma,$m_time, $m_c, $m_p, $m_deltacalls, $m_deltaputs);
	$StockPrice = $m_s;
	$ExercisePrice = $m_e;
	$RiskFreeRateInterest = $m_rf;
	$InstantaneousVarianceRateStocksReturn = $m_sigma;
	$TimetoExpirationOption = $m_time;
	$ValueCallOption = $m_c;
	$ValuePutOption = $m_p;
	$DeltaCalls = $m_deltacalls;
	$DeltaPuts = $m_deltaputs;
    elseif (isset($_POST['submit']))
	$m_s = $_POST['StockPrice'];
	$m_e = $_POST['ExercisePrice'];
	$m_rf = $_POST['RiskFreeRateInterest'];
	$m_sigma = $_POST['InstantaneousVarianceRateStocksReturn'];
	$m_time = $_POST['TimetoExpirationOption'];
	Black_Scholes_Main($m_s, $m_e, $m_rf, $m_sigma,$m_time, $m_c, $m_p, $m_deltacalls, $m_deltaputs);
	$StockPrice = $m_s;
	$ExercisePrice = $m_e;
	$RiskFreeRateInterest = $m_rf;
	$InstantaneousVarianceRateStocksReturn = $m_sigma;
	$TimetoExpirationOption = $m_time;
	$ValueCallOption = $m_c;
	$ValuePutOption = $m_p;
	$DeltaCalls = $m_deltacalls;
	$DeltaPuts = $m_deltaputs;
function Black_Scholes_Main($m_s, $m_e, $m_rf, $m_sigma, $m_time, &$m_c, &$m_p, &$m_deltacalls, &$m_deltaputs) {
        $m_c = black_scholes($m_s,  $m_e,  $m_rf,  $m_sigma,  $m_time/365., $nd1, $nd2);
        $m_p = $m_e / pow(1.+$m_rf, $m_time/365.) - $m_s + $m_c;
        $m_deltacalls = $nd1;
        $m_deltaputs = $nd1 - 1.;
function black_scholes( $s,  $e,  $rf,  $sigma,  $time, &$nd1, &$nd2) {
        $num = log($s/$e)+$time*($rf+.5*$sigma*$sigma);
        $d1 = $num/($sigma*sqrt($time));
        $d2 = $d1 - $sigma*sqrt($time);
        $c = $s*myerf($d1) - $e * myerf($d2) * exp(-$rf*$time);
        $nd1 = myerf($d1);
        $nd2 = myerf($d2);

        return $c;
function gammln($xx)

        $tmp -= ($x+0.5)*log($tmp);
        for ($j=0;$j<=5;$j++) {
                $x += 1.0;
                $ser += $cof[$j]/$x;
        return -$tmp+log(2.50662827465*$ser);

function gser(  &$gamser,  $a,  $x, &$gln)

        if ($x <= 0.0) {
                if ($x < 0.0) echo "x less than 0 in routine GSER";
        } else {
                for ($n=1;$n<=ITMAX;$n++) {
                        $ap += 1.0;
                        $del *= $x/$ap;
                        $sum += $del;
                        if (abs($del) < abs($sum)*EPS) {
                echo "a=$a too large, ITMAX = $itmax too small in routine GSER<br />";

function gcf( &$gammcf,$a,$x,&$gln)

        for ($n=1;$n<=ITMAX;$n++) {
                $an=(double) $n;
                if ($a1) {
                        if (abs(($g-$gold)/$g) < EPS) {
        echo "a too large, ITMAX too small in routine GCF<br />";
function gammp($a,$x)

        if ($x < 0.0 || $a <= 0.0) {
                echo "Invalid arguments in routine GAMMP<br />";
                return 0.;
        if ($x < ($a+1.0)) {
                return $gamser;
        } else {
                return 1.0-$gammcf;

function gammq($a,$x)

        if ($x < 0.0 || $a <= 0.0) echo "Invalid arguments in routine GAMMQ<br />";
        if ($x < ($a+1.0)) {
                return 1.0-$gamser;
        } else {
                return $gammcf;
function erfc($x)

        return $x < 0.0 ? 1.0+gammp(0.5,$x*$x) : gammq(0.5,$x*$x);
function erf($x)

        return $x < 0.0 ? -gammp(0.5,$x*$x) : gammp(0.5,$x*$x);
function myerf($argin) {
       return .5*(1.+erf($argin/sqrt(2.0)));


<form action="new_black_scholes.php" method="post">
        Black Scholes Option Price Calculator:<br />
        	temp website under Redhat Fedora 9 Linux:<br />
        	the first 5 boxes require input(try 100. 100. .12 .1 365.):<br />
        StockPrice (required):<br />
        <input type="text" size="20" maxlength="40" name="StockPrice"
		value="<?php echo $StockPrice;	?>" />
        ExercisePrice (required):<br />
        <input type="text" size="20" maxlength="40" name="ExercisePrice"
		value="<?php echo $ExercisePrice; ?>" />
        Risk Free Rate of Interest(required):<br />
        <input type="text" size="20" maxlength="40" name="RiskFreeRateInterest"
		value="<?php echo $RiskFreeRateInterest; ?>" />
        Instantaneous Variance Rate of Stock's Return (required):<br />
        <input type="text" size="20" maxlength="40" name="InstantaneousVarianceRateStocksReturn"
		value="<?php echo $InstantaneousVarianceRateStocksReturn; ?>" />
        Time to Expiration of the Option(days) (required):<br />
        <input type="text" size="20" maxlength="40" name="TimetoExpirationOption"
		value="<?php echo $TimetoExpirationOption; ?>" />
        Values of the Call Option :<br />
        <input type="text" size="20" maxlength="40"  name="ValueCallOption"
			VALUE="<?php echo $ValueCallOption; ?>" />
        Values of the Put option :<br />
        <input type="text" size="20" maxlength="40"  name="ValuePutOption"
			VALUE="<?php echo $ValuePutOption; ?>" />
        Delta(calls):<br />
        <input type="text" size="20" maxlength="40"  name="DeltaCalls"
			VALUE="<?php echo $DeltaCalls; ?>" />
        Delta(puts):<br />
        <input type="text" size="20" maxlength="40"  name="DeltaPuts"
			VALUE="<?php echo $DeltaPuts; ?>" />
    <button type="submit" name = "submit" value="Calculate!" 
	style="color:maroon font:18pt Courier; font-weight:bold ">Calculate
    <button type="submit" name = "reset" value="Demo!"
	style="color:red font:18pt Courier; font-weight:bold ">Demo


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