Re: If Question!

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  Since I am using a plain text mail reader I do not see any section
highlighted in red. I will however comment on the section I think you
are referring to. :)

This section:
if (isset($_GET['try']))

May not work correctly. If the request was something like

then the $_GET['try'] variable will be set to NULL and the isset() will
return FALSE. If you instead check for the key existing and then the
value that would be better.

if(array_key_exists('try',$_GET) && $_GET['try'] == "blah")

Would be a more precise check on the try variable.

If I am not looking at the correct line please reply with the line that
is having the problem.


On Wed, 2008-05-21 at 14:20 -0400, Matthew Gonzales wrote:
> Hello,
> So I am trying to create a web app using some if statement logic. Right 
> now I am having some trouble getting a particular piece of the code to 
> work. (Highlighted in red below) I am trying to produce the user profile 
> and if the user does not have a profile a form will display asking the 
> user to create one. I can not get the highlighted if statement to work. 
> What am I doing wrong.
> <?php
> //Start the session
> session_start();
> //Include profile form file
> include "profile_form.php";
> include "login_form.php";
> // Open a connection to the DB
> $conn = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', 'mg7448') or die(mysql_error());
> mysql_select_db('newsprofs', $conn);
> //Set session_id variable
> $session_id = $_SESSION['user_id'];
> //Check to see if the user is trying to update profile
> if (isset($_GET['try']))
> {
>         //User is trying to update profile. Make sure form is filled out 
> correctly
>         if ((!$_POST['fname']) || (!$_POST['lname']) || 
> (!$_POST['company']) || (!$_POST['title']) || (!$_POST['degree']) || 
> (!$_POST[
>         'school']))
>         {
>             //Left fields blank on the form
>             $msg = '<h5>Please fill out all fields of the form!</h5>';
>             //Display User profile form
>             $print_form = $profile_form;
>         }
>         else
>         {
>             //Form is filled out correctly. Insert into database
>             //Create variables for the sql string
>             $fname = $_POST['fname'];
>             $lname = $_POST['lname'];
>             $company = $_POST['company'];
>             $title = $_POST['title'];
>             $degree = $_POST['degree'];
>             $school = $_POST['school'];
>             //Cerate query
>             $insert_profile = "insert into profiles (user_id, fname, 
> lname, company, title, degree, school) values ('" . $session_id .
>              "', '" . $fname ."', '" . $lname . "', '" . $company . "', 
> '" . $title . "', '" . $degree . "', '" . $school . "')" ;
>             $insert_results = mysql_query($insert_profile, $conn) or 
> die(mysql_error());
>             //Show success message
>             $msg = '<h5>You have updated your profile 
> succesfully!</h5><br />
>                     <a href="profile.php">Return to profile page</a>';
>         }
> }
> //Check to see if the user is logged in
> elseif(isset($_SESSION['user_id']))
> {
>     // User is logged in!
>     $query = "SELECT username FROM users WHERE id = '" . $session_id . 
> "' LIMIT 1";
>     $results = mysql_query ($query,$conn) or die(mysql_error());
>     //Save username
>     list($username) = mysql_fetch_row($results);
>     // Log in message
>     $msg= '<h3>Welcome! '. $username . '</h3>';
>     // Display User menu
>     $menu = '<a herf="profile.php">My Account</a><br />
>             <a href="/login/logout.php">Log Out</a>';
>     //Check to see if user has a profile
>     $profile = "select fname, lname, company, title, degree, school from 
> profiles where user_id = '" . $session_id . "' ";
>     $profile_results = mysql_query($profile, $conn)
>     or die (mysql_error());
>     //Collect data for profile
>     //Find what the user_id is
>         while ($profile_id = mysql_fetch_array($profile_results))
>         {
>             $fname = $profile_id['fname'];
>             $lname = $profile_id['lname'];
>             $company = $profile_id['company'];
>             $title = $profile_id['title'];
>             $degree = $profile_id['degree'];
>             $school = $profile_id['school'];
>             //Add Profile to display block
>             $display_block = '
>             <tr>
>                 <td class="heading">First Name:</td>
>                 <td class="input-cell"> ' . $fname . '</td>
>             </tr>
>             <tr>
>                 <td class="heading">Last Name:</td>
>                 <td class="input-cell">' . $lname . '</td>
>             </tr>
>             <tr>
>                 <td class="heading">Company:</td>
>                 <td class="input-cell">' . $company . '</td>
>             </tr>
>             <tr>
>                 <td class="heading">Title:</td>
>                 <td class="input-cell">' . $title . '</td>
>             </tr>
>             <tr>
>                 <td class="heading">Degree:</td>
>                 <td class="input-cell">' . $degree . '</td>
>             </tr>
>             <tr>
>                 <td class="heading">School:</td>
>                 <td class="input-cell">' . $school . '</td>
>             </tr>';
>         }
>     //If username is empty display error message
>     if (empty($username))
>     {               
>         //Display error message
>         $msg = '<h5>An error has occured trying to retrieve your user 
> profile. Please contact the webmaster. You have been logged out
>         to protect your data.</h5><br />
>         <a href="index.php">Return to Home Page to login</a>';
>     }
>     //If profile is not there display form to submit profile
>     elseif ($profile_results <= 0)
>     {
>         //Display notify message
>         $notify_msg = '<h5>You have not created a profile yet! Please do 
> so by filling out the form below!</h5>';
>         //Display User profile form
>         $print_form = $profile_form;
>     }
> }
> //User is not logged in display message and direct user to return to 
> index page
> else
> {
>     // User not logged in
>     $msg = '<h5>You must be logged in to see your profile. Please return 
> to the <a href="index.php">Home Page</a> to login!</h5>';
> }
> //
> ?>
> -- 
> Matthew Gonzales
> IT Professional Specialist
> Enterprise Information Technology Services
> University of Georgia
> Email: matt323@xxxxxxx <mailto:matt323@xxxxxxx>
> Phone: (706)542-9538

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