RE: How do IF to redirect to a new page on my site?

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Just make sure that nothing is echo/print out to the page before doing
the header call, don't even have any spaces before your <?php tag, or it
will generate an error.


-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Cocks [mailto:gcocks@xxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2008 2:57 PM
To: php-windows@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject:  How do IF to redirect to a new page on my site?


I have a page <foo_query_select.php> where some users set some
parameters from pulldowns on a page (in a form.)

Based on the user selection, the code builds some SQL (i.e., building
the WHERE part of the SQL string), and grabs some data out of a
PostgreSQL, and returns it to an array, $ary_query_result


if(isset($ary_query_result))	{
					  serialize array to text file
					  few other tasks
					  ['jump' to results page]
					  tell user to adjust parameters
					  [stay on page] 

I have built a results page that unserializes the results array above,
displays some of them in a table, and allows the user to chart, save all
the data columns & rows, etc - all works fine.

HERE IS THE PROBLEM: how do I ['jump' to results page]????

This would seem such a simple thing to do...

i.e., IF (condition) go to new url ELSE stay at this URL


I tried:

(i) print "<script language... windows.location = \"foo_results.php\";
this works OK in Mozilla, funny frame refresh of foo_query.php before it
redirects to foo_results.php but I can live with that BUT it does not
work in IE, just (seemingly) refreshes foo_query.php

(ii) <meta http-equiv="refresh" ... />
Ugly I know (!) - again OK in Mozilla BUT again it does not work in IE,
same result (or lack)

(iii) Googled for more, tried a few, no luck - arghhh!!!

I guess I could create the SQL and get the data on the results page, and
use action="foo_results.php" on the form, passing the parameters as
$_SESSION variables - but what about if no results returned, etc, etc,

*  HELP!!!!  *

Thanks in advance...   :-)

P.S. When they return to the query page for a new search (in the same
session) from the results page (in Mozilla!), the check box values are
still set - tried using onload="javascript:document.forms[0].reset();"
in the <body> tag and a few other things - no luck, they stay set!! -
any thoughts?

GIS Analyst V
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