sam rumaizan wrote:
You mean Normalization
Not in my part of the world. England. You know, where English came from.
And quit with the bold!! It's not big, it's not clever and it puts *'s
all over your email!
*/Stut <stuttle@xxxxxxxxx>/* wrote:
sam rumaizan wrote:
> What I want to do is:
> 1-user has 10 columns (fields).
> 2- User updated one of these fields using CONCAT_WS(adding new
data to
> previous data).
> 3- When user views any of his information he sees only the last
> part of the data.
> So, timestamp/datetime field is not going to work.
Indeed not, in fact what you need to do is add another table. Those 10
columns should be in a separate table. With a timestamp. Each bit of
added data should create a row in that table. Then you can get the last
bit of data added to each field for each user.
This is called database normalisation, and I suggest you look it up on
Wikipedia or Google.
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