Thank you for cleaning up my code and making it more standardized then before (excuse my ignorance I?m just a beginner). Any ways still the slide menu doesn?t work. It is driving me crazy. I don't see any thing wrong with my code but still the menu doesn?t work Niel Archer <spamfree@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > I understand, but how about the attached code? Every thing works fine except the slide menu. It had errors in it that needed correcting. Beyond that I can't much say. It *looks* OK, but without the missing include files it can't be tested. I've restructured it below. I had to make some guesses about your intent, mostly about the include files. Hopefully I've guessed correctly and not introduced too many errors of my own. Note that I've moved most of the HTML outside of the PHP code, as it does not need to be parsed. I've also standardised it as much as possible in an attempt to make it clearer. function toggleMenu(currMenu) { if (document.all) { thisMenu = eval('document.all.' + currMenu + '.style') if (thisMenu.display == 'lock') { thisMenu.display = 'none' } else { thisMenu.display = 'block' } return false } else { return true } } // End hiding script --> #menu1 {display:none; margin-left:20px} $page_title = 'View Existing Data'; //include ('./includes/header.html'); //include( '../mysql_connect.php' ); ?> View Existing Data " method=post> $query = "SELECT DISTINCT Assign_Engineer FROM lo_data"; //$result = mysql_query($query); ?> Choose a Category:while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ foreach ($line as $value) { echo" "; }}?> [input] if (isset($_POST["R"])) { $result = mysql_query("SELECT Ref_No, Job_Title,Category,Assign_Engineer,Date_Received,Date_Required,Date_Assigned,ProjectedCompletionDate,Date_Completed,ManhourSpent,Status FROM lo_data WHERE Assign_Engineer ='".$_POST["R"]."'"); } ?> Reference No Job Descriptions Category Assign Engineer Date Received Date Required Date Assigned Projected Completion Date Date Completed Manhour Spent Status while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo " "; echo " "; echo " {$row['Ref_No']} \n Update The Record\n"; echo "\n Update the record [input] [input] "; echo "\n"; echo " {$row['Job_Title']}"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo""; } ?> //mysql_close(); //include ('./includes/footer.html'); ?> Niel -- PHP Windows Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: --------------------------------- Give spam the boot. Take control with tough spam protection in the all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta.