The this instead. BTW, you misunderstood the useage of substr, see
$code = 'abcdwxyz8765';
$string = array();
array_push($string, substr($code,4,4));
array_push($string, substr($code,8,4));
echo $string[0].'-'.$string[1].'-'.$string[2];
James Savage wrote:
i have a 12 digit code that i want to format as follows xxxx-xxxx-xxxx it is
all numbers i tried using substr() to format it in this fassion
$code = abcdwxyz8765;
$string = array();
$string[] = substr($code,1,4);
$string[] = substr($code,5,8);
$string[] = substr($code9,12);
echo $string[0],'-',$string[1],'-',$string[2];
OUTPUT SHOULD BE : abcd-wxyz-5678
I GET : -wxyz678-5678
Any help?