Re: Re: [PHP] slow performance

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Stanislav Malyshev wrote:

>> OK; so for serving multiple concurrent clients ISAPI would sound to me
>> like the better choice, since it can use threads, or what would be the
>> advantage of using fastcgi?
> Non-threaded PHP is faster than threaded PHP, because it doesn't need to
> do locks between threads and keep the thread context through the code,
> etc. So FastCGI usually would be faster and also more stable since the
> memory space is not shared. It forgoes some advantages of threaded
> application, but overall it is faster.

OK, so I will give that a try. As far as I understand, I basically just
have to replace the association of ".php" to "php5isapi.dll" with
"php-cgi.exe"; and then set the global path to include my php-folder, right?

... ERROR:  CPU not found.

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