It is a general question. Why can't I use cookie instead? Mikael Grön <php@xxxxxxxx> wrote: Are you asking someone specifically, or is this a general question? Here's an example of when sessions are useful: You have a login area on your website on which users who have registered can log in to access special content. Only, you want such a high security on your website so that people shouldn't be able to simply browse to the hidden files, nor should a user still be logged in when his friend uses his computer and starts a fresh browser. Here's where sessions are perfect! You store the userId or similar information in the session and start every secret page with the question: if (!isset($_SESSION['userId']) || !CoolCheckUserValidityFunction($_SESSION['userId'])): header("Location: login.php"); exit; else: $GLOBALS[USER] = new User($_SESSION['userId']); endif; of course you should not do that check in login.php... :P Mike PS: That $GLOBALS[USER] and the User class part is my own stuff.. Dunno if anyone else does stuff like that.. :P sam rumaizan skrev: > You use a session to store values that are required over the course of a single visit, and a cookie to store more persistent data that is used over multiple visits. > Session: when you close the browser the session gets flushed. Which means the browser will not recognize the user next time he/she browse the page unlike cookie. > > So why do I need session? OR maybe I didn?t understand session > > > > > > > --------------------------------- > Looking for earth-friendly autos? > Browse Top Cars by "Green Rating" at Yahoo! Autos' Green Center. > --------------------------------- The fish are biting. Get more visitors on your site using Yahoo! Search Marketing.