Frank, Thank you for your answer. I am already using php-win.exe. The DOS console window is not when I start the php script. But the console window appears only when I call proc_open. Any other idea for the method I could use to hide this black window ? Thank you very much. David V.
Try stating the process with php-win.exe. - Frank > I need a piece of advice from PHP experts and I'm sure you can help me. > I want to start and then control a process in PHP CLI on Windows. > I decided to use proc_open as it is really powerfull. It works > perfectly but I get a DOS window every time a process is started. > (wich in my case is hundreds of times during the operation). > I tried the Run method of the WScript.Shell object because it has on option to > hide the DOS window but I cannot control the process after I started > it. > > I tried the Exec method of the WScript.Shell, I can interact with the > process using the pipes (pretty much the same way proc_open does) but > I cannot hide > the DOS windows. > > I prefer using proc_open because it is portable on Linux. > > I thought I would solve my problem using the new option : bypass_shell > > I tried the following : > > $proc_options = array('bypass_shell' => "1"); > //print_r($proc_options); //DEBUG > $pipes = array(); > $process = proc_open($cmd, $descriptorspec, $pipes, > $current_working_dir, NULL, $proc_options); > > But I still get the flashing DOS boxes. > > BTW : I also tried $proc_options = array('bypass_shell' => true); but > I get an error : Warning: proc_open(): CreateProcess failed > > Do you know how I could use proc_open without this DOS command window ? > > I use : PHP 5.2.2-dev (cli) (built: Mar 6 2007 20:08:25) > And : Windows XP Home SP2 > > Thank very much for your answer. > > > David V. > > -- > PHP Windows Mailing List ( > To unsubscribe, visit: >
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