I configured LDAP for SSL (LDAPS) on the Active Directory (AD) Domain Controller (DC). The DC is a Windows 2003 Server box. To do this I: 1) Setup the DC as a Certificate Authority (CA) 2) Issued a Certificate to itself 3) Issued a Certificate to the client that would be connecting via LDAPS The client is configured in the following manner: 1) Windows 2003 Server Running IIS 2) PHP 5.0.4 installed 3) LDAP support enabled - Uncommented the php_ldap.dll extension - Copied the php_ldap.dll file into the appropriate directory - Restarted IIS Using the LDP tool, I was able to connect and bind via ports 389, 636, and 3269. Here is the code I am using to attempt the bind: <?php $host = "ldaps://server.addomain.domain.com"; $un = "jdoe"; $pw = "password"; $lc = ldap_connect($host); ldap_set_option($lc, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3); ldap_set_option($lc, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0); $lb = ldap_bind($lc, $un, $pw); ldap_close($lc); ?> If I change it to ldap://server.addomain.domain.com it functions correctly. Is there a secure bind function I should know about? Thanks for the help! Phillip