Hendrik Visage wrote:
<snip useful explanation of what's wrong with no tips on how to do it right>
The rewrite below does not iterate around the array as you were in your
for loop, so I'll mention a better way to do that here rather than in
the snippet below... foreach - look it up in the PHP manual!
One way to rewrite it would be like this (with comments hopefully
explaining what I've changed and why)...
$folder = opendir('.');
// No need for a temporary array, check each file as you read it
from the directory
$names = array();
while ($file = readdir($folder))
if (in_array(strtolower(substr($file, -4)), array('.jpg',
'.gif', 'jpeg', '.png')))
// You can append an element to an array like this... no
need for an index
$names[] = $file;
// Not sure why you're checking a session var here since you've just
gone to the trouble of iterating
// over the files - it's not saving much processing
// Best practice to always check if a session var exists before using it
// Avoids unsightly notices
$Count = (isset($_SESSION['Picture']) ? $_SESSION['Picture'] : 0);
// Really not sure why this is here
// echo 'Count = '.$Count.' $tempvar = '.$tempvar;
if ($Count == 0)
$Count = count($names1)-1;
$_SESSION['Picture'] = $Count;
$slika = $names[$Count];
// image dimensions
$dimensions = GetImageSize($slika);
if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS["pic"]))
// Strictly speaking the URL given in a location header should
be absolute
header ("Location: $slika");
echo "<img src=\"$slika\" $dimensions[3] />";
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