On Thu, 15 Sep 2005, Alf Stockton wrote: > Thanks for the suggestions on ADODB which, thanks to you, I have > implemented. > > I like the simularity between databases as my applications are going to > be accessing both MSSQL & Oracle. > > The next step is for me to use ADODB & PHP to call various MSSQL and > Oracle Stored Procedurers so I am currently working my way throught the > ADODB documentation. > > However, if one of you can come up with quick examples it would make my > task a little quicker and, of course, simplier > Below is an example using the ADODB odbtp driver: <?php include('adodb/adodb.inc.php'); $DB = NewADOConnection('odbtp'); // Database connection $constr = 'DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=(local);UID=myuid;PWD=mypwd;DATABASE=OdbtpTest; '; if( !$DB->PConnect( '', $constr ) ) { print $DB->ErrorMsg(); die; } // SQL Query Execution $rs = $DB->Execute( "SELECT * FROM Employees" ); if( !$rs ) { print $DB->ErrorMsg(); die; } while (!$rs->EOF) { print_r($rs->fields); $rs->MoveNext(); } // Stored Procedure Execution $stmt = $DB->PrepareSP( "GetTheIntsString" ); if( !$stmt ) { print $DB->ErrorMsg(); die; } if( !$DB->Parameter( $stmt, $Id, "Id" ) ) { print $DB->ErrorMsg(); die; } if( !$DB->Parameter( $stmt, $TheIntsString, "TheIntsString" ) ) { print $DB->ErrorMsg(); die; } $Id = 123; $rs = $DB->Execute( $stmt ); if( !$rs ) { print $DB->ErrorMsg(); die; } echo "String = $TheIntsString\n"; $Id = 12; $rs = $DB->Execute( $stmt ); if( !$rs ) { print $DB->ErrorMsg(); die; } echo "String = $TheIntsString\n"; $Id = 72; $rs = $DB->Execute( $stmt ); if( !$rs ) { print $DB->ErrorMsg(); die; } echo "String = $TheIntsString\n"; ?> Code for GetTheIntsString stored procedure: CREATE PROCEDURE GetTheIntsString @Id int, @TheIntsString varchar(256) = NULL OUTPUT AS SET NOCOUNT ON SET @TheIntsString = (SELECT 'Tiny Int = ' + CONVERT(varchar(32),TheTinyInt) + ' ' + 'Small Int = ' + CONVERT(varchar(32),TheSmallInt) + ' ' + 'Int = ' + CONVERT(varchar(32),TheInt) + ' ' + 'Big Int = ' + CONVERT(varchar(32),TheBigInt) FROM TheInts WHERE Id = @Id) GO -- bob -- PHP Windows Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php