I am able to compile PHP, but I am trying to create an extension (
following zend's hello world tutorial ) and the configure step will not
recognize my enable command.
I'm working with: PHP5.1 and have tried both win2k3/vs.net and
winxp/vsc++6 with the exact same results.
My file structure looks like this:
According to the PHP documentation, I should be able to run the
following command:
cscript /nologo configure.js --enable-hello=shared
I have also tried --enable-hello=yes, and --enable-hello=
All attempts result in the same configuration error:
"C:\phpdev\php5.1>cscript /nologo configure.js --enable-hello=shared
Unknown option --enable-hello; please try configure.js --help for a list
of valid options"
When I run configure.js --help, I do not see --enable-hello as an option.
Is there a step I'm missing that will allow my configuration to
recognize my new extension so I can compile it?
Thanks in advance
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