Can someone answer a MySQL question for me? I'm trying to do a self join on my category table and I'm only coming up with 2 fields in my recordset when I know I should have 5 fields. Here is the code I'm using. >SELECT Cats3.CatId, Cats.Cat, Cats1.Cat, Cats2.Cat, Cats3.Cat >FROM (((Cats As Cats3 left JOIN Cats As Cats2 ON Cats3.ParentId = Cats2.CatId) >LEFT JOIN Cats As Cats1 ON Cats2.ParentId = Cats1.CatId) >LEFT JOIN Cats As Cats ON Cats1.ParentId = Cats.CatId) >WHERE Cats3.CatTypeId = 2 AND Cats.ParentId is NULL >ORDER BY (Cats.Cat + Cats1.Cat + Cats2.Cat + Cats3.Cat) When I execute this query in something like Navcat 2005 or SQLyog it works fine. By the way, I'm also using the PEAR DB class. Any ideas? Thanks :) Jim MacDiarmid -- PHP Windows Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: