Re: Using Inernet Explorer COM object and need to reference popup windows

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you may be better off in : microsoft.public.inetsdk.programming.webbrowser_ctl

Louis Solomon

""Dang Nguyen"" <dang.nguyen@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
> Hi,
> I am using PHP 5.0.4 and using Internet Explorer COM object to access a 
> website.  From that website, my script clicks on a few links, for testing 
> purposes.  A few of the links popup a new browser window, so I need a way 
> to verify that the link does open a new popup and also the URL, title, 
> content, or something that verifies the popup destination is what I expect 
> it to be.
> I've found some material about using com_event_sink and tried implementing 
> it, but it seems to hang the browser and the script exceeds the 
> max_execution_time. Below is a code snippet:
> class IEEventSinker {
>      var $terminated = false;
>      var $newWindowOpened = false;
>      function NewWindow2 ($ppDisp, $Cancel=true) {
>            $this->newWindowOpened = true;
>            echo "<p>New Window event was fired.";
>      }
>      function OnQuit() {
>            echo "Quit!\n";
>            $this->terminated = true;
>      }
> }
> // the sinker that will capture IE events
>      $sink =& new IEEventSinker();
>      com_event_sink($myIE->ie, $sink, "DWebBrowserEvents2");
>      try {
> // $myIE is a class that instantiates the IE COM object, and clicklinkIE 
> performs the mouseclick on the web page
>            $linkResult = $myIE->clicklinkIE($links['name']);
>            while($targetIsPopup && !$sink->newWindowOpened) {
>                  com_message_pump(4000);
>            }
>            $myIE->wait_while_busy();
> // script continues on
> Can someone suggest a way to accomplish what I've described above? 
> Examples would be appreciated.
> Thanks in advance,
> Dang Nguyen 

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