Here is my code (which I can't get to work):
/** Note that my code / comments are untested, but should be helpful. */
$mail = "FOJOMO@xxxxxxxxx";
$user = "patrick"; function usermail( $user, $mail ) {
/** We don't need global $user or $mail since these are passed into the function. In fact doing this just might confuse yourself... */
$user; = ucwords( $user ); // capitalizes the //'p' in patrick
/** The above is incorrect. A semicolon terminates a line! Try the following: */
$user = ucwords( strtolower( $user ) );
$mail; = strtolower( $mail ); // converts all //of FOJOMO into lower case
$mail = strtolower( $mail );
if ( strstr( $mail ), "@" )) {
/** Agreed with Graeme's previous comment, strpos is fine for this. */
if ( strpos( $mail, '@' ) ) {
// searches for the '@' sign user_array = explode("-", $user, $mail); // this
$user_array = explode( '-', $user);
//function (explode) creates the array
/** Check the manual page for explode
Why do you explode on hyphens? Do you have a system to prevent users from creating email addresses without hyphens? And what do you want to do with this array? */
} else {
print "Please enter a valid e-mail address"; //
default if test fails to //find the '@' sign
/** Nothing is returned either... did you want something? */ return $user_array;
} /** end of function usermail */
/** Now we test the function and echo the result of running the function. */ $result = usermail( $user, $mail ); print nl2br( print_r( $result ) );
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