Hi George, You might want to setup database previleges to access db from the other site(other site is the one where your files are stored). So instead of localhost you need to give the ip address if the server where the db is hosted. Hope u understand this..... ...Sudeep.... George Pitcher <george.pitcher@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: Hi, I have a master database and a customer-facing website and a staff-facing website - both connecting to the same database. I use Smarty and PEAR::DB and PHP5. I have no problem connecting from one site, but the other just generates 'could not open database' on the home page. This is happening on the log-in page. I've checked the code and its virtually identical, except for the different tables being queried. One works, one doesn't. I use a config file to ease development/deployment: "Config.php" if($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']=='myserversite'){ $incloc="c:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\egret\\includes\\"; $smartyloc="c:\\php\\Smarty\\"; $incloc="c:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\egret\\includes\\"; $server_url="http://myserversite/egret/"; } else { $incloc="c:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\egret\\includes\\"; $smartyloc="c:\\php\\"; $server_url="http://localhost/egret/"; } if((isset($_COOKIE['access'])&&$_COOKIE['access']=='')||(isset($_POST['acce ss'])&&$_POST['access']=='')){ header("Location: ".$server_url."home.php"); }elseif(isset($_COOKIE['access'])&&$_COOKIE['access']!='') { $access = $_COOKIE['access']; } $dbhost = 'localhost'; $dbuser = 'root'; $dbpass = ''; $dbname = 'egret'; require_once( 'DB.php' ); $db =& DB::connect( "mysql://$dbuser:$dbpass@$dbhost/$dbname" ); ?> ============================================================================ ====================== "home.php" include("includes/config.php"); require $smartyloc."Smarty.class.php"; $smarty = new Smarty; $sql = "SELECT account_id, nickname FROM account"; $loginResult = $db->query($sql); $recCount = $loginResult->numRows(); $i=0; $results=array(); while ($loginRow = $loginResult->fetchRow()) { $tmp = array( 'id' => $loginRow[0], 'hei'=> $loginRow[1] ); $results[$i++] = $tmp; } $db->disconnect(); $smarty->assign('results', $results); $smarty->display('home.tpl'); ?> ====================================================================== Am I missing something obvious? Cheers George in Oxford -- PHP Windows Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Check out the new Yahoo! Front Page. www.yahoo.com