Hi, I am relatively new to PHP and brand new to PHP interacting with databases. I will do my development on my WinXP Home laptop and host my actual site at a Linux based hosting service. I have two questions. First, Has anybody had any success installing apache 1.3.31 as a module for WinXP Home Edition? I've followed the instructions outlined here http://us4.php.net/manual/en/install.windows.manual.php and http://us4.php.net/manual/en/install.windows.apache1.php to a "T." The result is that my web browser gives me a "download or open" dialogue box b/c it doesn't recognize PHP extensions. I have since configured PHP as CGI, but I understand that one can't have a persistent database connection with a CGI set up. Any help would be appreciated. Secondly, I am trying to DBG debugger to work with PHP Coder. I followed the DBG instructions, however, I get a whole bunch of nothing when I run "debugger" from PHP Coder. Any help here would be greatly appreciated. --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - Send 10MB messages!