I founded what I nedd at http://kromann.info/ Anyway thanks for replay....... .Try pecl.php.net. A lot of exts went there ( not being included in the .release bundle). .-Mike .On Fri, 16 Jul 2004, Raul IONESCU wrote: .> Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 15:31:06 +0300 .> From: Raul IONESCU <raul.ionescu@xxxxxxxxx> .> To: php-windows@xxxxxxxxxxxxx .> Subject: PHP5 .> .> Does anyone know were I can find ZIP and PRINTER dll extensions for PHP5? .> .> .> --------------------------------------------------------------- .> Incearca acum noul sistem de dating oferit de portalul acasa.ro .> .--------------------------------------------------------------- .Incearca acum noul sistem de dating oferit de portalul acasa.ro --------------------------------------------------------------- Incearca acum noul sistem de dating oferit de portalul acasa.ro