I am using the domxml php extension for transforming XSLT, only I have the problem that it doesnt take some of my <XSL:output> settings into acocunt. For example when I set ident="yes" it doesn't ident the output, and when I enabled the "omit-xml-declaration"-attribute this <?xml> declaration is this availabe, which should not in the output.
The XSL:Output I use:
<xsl:output doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" doctype-system="http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd" encoding="UTF-8" method="xml" indent="yes" omit-xml-declaration="yes" />
When I use the exact same XSLT file with php_xslt extension/Sablotron the output is as expected both settings are taken into account. Does anyone know if I am doing something wrong in my code? (see code below)
I think it's a bug in the php_xmldom extension, because when I use xsltproc.exe (standalone version libxsl) the output is okay too.
The code I use for transforming the xml file can be find below:
// Process the XML file together with the XSLT file to generate the apporiate XHTML page...
$xml = domxml_open_mem( $result ); // create a XmlDocument-object with the return xml file...
if ( !$xml ) {
die( "Error while parsing the XML document. Application has aborted." );
// assign the XSLT stylesheet for this XML document... $xsl = domxml_xslt_stylesheet_file( $xsl_file );
// process the XSLT stylesheet with the assigned XML document... $result = NULL; $result = $xsl->process( $xml );
if ( DEBUG_MODE ) { $result->dump_file( $output_file ); } echo $result->dump_mem(); $xml->free(); // dispose the object
Weyert de Boer (me@xxxxxxxxxx)
Check out my blog: http://www.weyert.com/
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