Hey there everyone I have been struggling with for a while, I hope someone can shed some light here. In my php.ini file I have my session.save_path set to c:\temp but even after restarting Apache it still somehow reads this in as /tmp. Is there somewhere else I should edit this? Kind Regards Schalk Neethling Web Developer.Designer.Programmer.President Volume4.Development.Multimedia.Branding emotionalize.conceptualize.visualize.realize Tel: +27125468436 Fax: +27125468436 email:schalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx web: www.volume4.co.za This message contains information that is considered to be sensitive or confidential and may not be forwarded or disclosed to any other party without the permission of the sender. If you received this message in error, please notify me immediately so that I can correct and delete the original email. Thank you.