Hi! I am setting up a windows 2003 machine, with IIS 6 and PHP 4.3.6. I've followed the instructions on php.net to install php as CGI or ISAPI. I had creepy experiences with PHP running as ISAPI on W2k and IIS 5. I had a lot of GPFs and Internal Server Errors even on ASP apps. A lot of people is using php as isapi and don't have any problem. I currently use PHP as CGI on win2k, but, because the architeture of windows2003, I have permissions problems ( 403 - Forbidden ). I 've granted permissions on c:\inetpub\wwwroot\<user>; c:\php ; c:\windows\php.ini to the following users: <user> worker_<user> ( app pool identity ) IUSR_<user ( anon. IIS user ) Php only works as CGI when I set the identity of the app. pool to Local System / Network, but in a shared enviroment, it's not acceptable. My questions are: - Is php 4.3.6 running ISAPI stable enough to run in a enviroment with more than 400 sites? - If I want to use php as CGI, which folders should I grant permissions? Regards, Helio -- PHP Windows Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php