Why does the wheel need to be reinvented every second month? The solution to this "problem" is to escape all funny characters. Particular when it comes to quotes, the traditional solution for this during the last 40 years has been to quote the quote. Or use double quotes to quote singe quotes, or the other way around. Example: I'm 1) 'I'''m' <- quote quotes (This is the safest way) 2) "I'm" <- double quoting single quotes 3) 'I\'m' <- Escaping (MySQL specific - don't use!) -----Original Message----- From: Sudeep Sarath To: Php-windows mailing list Sent: 2004-04-02 10:16 Subject: quotes in mysql Hi friends, I have a 'textarea' in my php page and i need to put the details typed in that textarea box to my MySQL database. The content in the textarea box is(for example) : I'm a good boy. and insert string is: insert into table_name (describe) values('" . $check . "') where check is the variable that stores the POST data of textarea. Also the field "describe" is of a text datatype. what happens is that i can't take the content string to the database. B'cause it contains I'm (a single quote in between I and m) which confuses mySql that string terminates after I. Is there any solution for this problem as we cannot tell the users "dont put quotes in textarea". ....SuDeEp... Win an evening with the Indian cricket captain: Yahoo! India Promos. -- PHP Windows Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php