AW: Re: Emailing via mail(), secondary servers

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To both of you crusaders,

first of all you are by far off topic now, so please
relocate to a suitable list. And as I don't see this 
quarrel get to any kind of "solution" I would like 
to add my very personal unwanted comment:

Besides and above any substantial point in any
of your proceedings it may be valuable to think 
about how _the other side_ (with their respective
prereqisites) may be able to _accept_ the point one
wants to make in the first place, not to speak about
an agreement (Hint: no one likes himself or any
of his ideas to be called silly or the like ...).

Try to think about what exactly you want to achieve 
_yourself_ before you start reasoning about the other's

Happy arguments, 

> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von:	Manuel Lemos [SMTP:mlemos@xxxxxxx]
> Gesendet am:	Donnerstag, 19. Februar 2004 01:00
> An:	php-windows@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Betreff:	Re:  Re: Emailing via mail(), secondary servers
> Hello,
> On 02/18/2004 02:09 AM, Justin Patrin wrote:
> >>>> However, I am more interested in legitimate users that download and 
> >>>> try the code. This helps me test my code more intensively and iron 
> >>>> any bugs or limitations much faster. I do not even wish or expect 
> >>>> people to thank me. As long as they test the code and report any 
> >>>> problems, or do not report anything because it is all right for 
> >>>> them, that is fine for me.
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>> I agree fully. Testing and giving back is a major reason for putting 
> >>> my software out there. This is why I use PEAR. There is a large group 
> >>> of both developers and users who actively work together to make the 
> >>> packages better. I also like the standardization and use of high 
> >>> level programming concepts, such as seperation of functionality and 
> >>> re-use of code.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> As much as this thread was not about PEAR and PHP Classes, you seem to 
> >> enjoy keep bringing that subject up. You sound like a snake oil 
> >> salesman, always trying to push PEAR as the best place in the world to 
> >> publish author classes, in typical attack to PHP Classes site as if it 
> >> is a great threat to your existence.
> >>
> >> The truth is that many authors will always refuse to publish their 
> >> classes in PEAR for reasons that have nothing to with the PHP Classes 
> >> site.
> >>
> >> Many authors, including myself, have tried to contribute to PEAR but 
> >> then there were a few individuals that were set to make it hard or 
> >> even impossible to do it, usually for reasons of arguable logic. It 
> >> seems that there is usually a small feud formed by a few individuals 
> >> that are not interested to let other developers have a role that may 
> >> put them in the shadow. With this protective attitude it is really 
> >> very hard to even  try to contribute.
> >>
> >> For instance the admitance of only one coding style will always be an 
> >> obstacle to motivate developers to contribute to PEAR. I even recall 
> >> until today, when Andrei Zmievski said PEAR coding style was so 
> >> ridiculous that made him cry. I guess that was the reason why Smarty 
> >> was never contributed as a PEAR package. Curiously, I read some 
> >> statistics that show that Smarty alone is a more popular 
> >> project than the whole PEAR project.
> >>
> >> I even proposed to allow to preserve the coding style of the original 
> >> contributor. The problem is that when people try to change coding 
> >> styles, not only they waste a lot of time doing it right, but they may 
> >> add bugs by accident where none existed. This proved to be true when 
> >> Lukas Smith ported Metabase to PEAR style. Many bugs were added in 
> >> code from Metabase that was working perfectly.
> >> Forcing people to change styles is like making all right handed people 
> >> start writing with the left hand to be accepted. PEAR was set to be 
> >> what CPAN was to Perl but CPAN does not have such mandatory style 
> >> requirements.
> >>
> > 
> > CPAN is a very large and useful repository. It has amazing automation 
> > and packaging as well as a great installer. However, you're missing some 
> > points. CPAN has standards as well. You muct name your module to conform 
> > with the namespaces already in ther system. You have to name your files 
> > a certai way. You are encouraged to talk about your module before 
> > submitting it. Other than that I see no written coding standards, but I 
> > highly doubt that a badly written module will last long or be used much. 
> You are confusing the balls here. I said that CPAN does not have strict 
> coding style requirements. I never said it does not have rules. Even the 
> PHP Classes has rules for classes being submitted for publishing. Coding 
> standards is one thing more broad than just coding style.
> Coding style is not a requirement because it is not possible to choose a 
> single style as the right one, as if the others are all wrong. Many 
> different coding styles can be used to make the readable and useful to 
> everybody. If you coerce everybody to change into a particular style as 
> PEAR requires, obviously many authors will be left out. Therefore, if 
> PEAR is not more popular, you can only blame the 'smart' PEAR rulers 
> that decided in favor of that.
> One curious note, even PHP main code has coding standards. However 
> coding style is more relaxed in practice than PEAR people demands. For 
> instance, you will find that different parts of the PHP C source code 
> use tabs and others use spaces for indenting.
> > The Perl community is old and rife with its own politics.
> I would say they are more experienced. The curious part is that a PEAR 
> zealot like yourself talking about Perl community politics is like 
> throwning stones to your neighbour roof when your own roof is made of glass.
> One of the reasons why trying to submit classes to PEAR is a major 
> headache to many developers is precisely because of politics. The 
> bureacracy and the number of nay-sayers is so large, that just by 
> reading at the pear-dev mailing list archives, many authors that were 
> considering submiting their work to PEAR, simply give up as they have 
> better things to do than remaining in neverending discussions just to 
> realize that their class submissions will be boycotted anyway. This is 
> not my opinion, it is a fact that anybody can notice from the mailing list.
> > Actually, I'm not that surprised about the lack of standards surrounding 
> > CPAN. Perl itself is a kitchen sink language, including everything under 
> > the sun and allowing many *many* ways of doing the same thing. I myself 
> > have never been able to figure out what to do with Perl. I've used it 
> > and for big projects, but it doesn't scale well at all. But I'm digressing.
> Perl syntax is cryptic because of its inheritance from shell scripting 
> languages. However I would not underestimate the knowledge and 
> experience of Perl developers. The fact is that many PHP people have 
> been porting existing Perl packages, several of them have been submitted 
> to PHP Classes site and PEAR. So, the coding styles used by Perl 
> developers was not a problem. Therefore, your complaints about Perl 
> sound more like fanatic attacks than valid technical criticism.
> > The lack of standardizaition comes with a price. If you don't enforce 
> > any kind of standards, code can very easily have bugs and, worse, be 
> > hard to understand and debug. I treat perl modules as compiled binaries 
> > (as they sometimes are) because they are almost universally hard to 
> > understand, as it most Perl.
> I think you just don't know enough of Perl to comment. The fact is that 
> there are many Perl modules that do not have a PHP counterpart.
> >> Until PEAR people become effectively more open minded, without any 
> >> hipocrisy and protectionism,  PEAR will always suffer from the absence 
> >> of many very qualified PHP developers, making it a shadow of what PEAR 
> >> hoped to be. The reality speaks for itself. PEAR rules are not 
> >> consensual nor there seems to be great interest from PEAR people to 
> >> change that. It is all in their hands to change.
> > 
> > 
> > Good points, but you are missing something there. It is true that a 
> > rigourous standard cuts out lots of developers. Even lots of talented 
> > developers, but if you start with PEAR, it's not so hard to code for PEAR.
> PEAR arrived late to the PHP scene. Therefore, I think it would have 
> better for PEAR popularity to adapt to the existing PHP developers 
> reality then to have PHP developers adapt to PEAR.
> Unfortunately, since PEAR rules are intolerant, they decide to push 
> unflexible rules and that discouraged many developers that not only will 
> not use PEAR at all, but will even discourage others from using it. I am 
> not even talking about myself. Several proeminent PHP developers have 
> criticized and discouraged the use of PEAR. This is a fact, if you do 
> not like it, blame it on PEAR rulers.
> > Even if you don't start there, the standards are still a good thing. 
> > Once you know how PEAR works, you can get any PEAR package and know how 
> > to use it, at least in simple terms. Also, keeping the same standard 
> > makes it much simpler to use multiple packages together and integrate 
> > them into your application. Take the PEAR error system, for instance. 
> > Instead of checking *every single call* for a different error sceme, I 
> > can set a single handler to deal with them. Or, if the errors are 
> > important, I know that every error that comes back will be in the same 
> > format with the same information in it.
> The PEAR error system is the worst example of PEAR standards. Basically 
> they try to emulate exceptions but in a very lame way because you can't 
> emulate exceptions properly if you do not have built-in support in the 
> language.
> PEAR error system requires a 800 lines base class that is only there to 
> bloat classes that used it. Basically, those 800 lines only replicate 
> what is provided the built-in PHP functions set_error_handler and 
> trigger_error provide. The truth is that the PEAR error handling base 
> class is so bad that despite it used to be a requirement, several PEAR 
> classes no longer use it. So much for standards that are only there to 
> broken.
> > Again, standards are a good thing.
> Sure, except when they do not get in the way of developers productivity 
> like some of the PEAR standards.
> >> We know that is not accurate. Many package lack of proper 
> >> documentation. The truth is that writing proper documentation takes a 
> >> lot of time to be viable. PEAR-Doc like documentation is as good a 
> >> telegrams. Documentation is more than just a few vague words embeded 
> >> in the source. It is better than nothing but unlike what you say, many 
> >> PEAR packages do not come with sufficient documentation.
> >>
> > 
> > I disagree completely. Every PEAR package I have downloaded has 
> > sufficient documentation to start using it. Like I said before, if you 
> > can find no "documentation" all you have to do is look at the code and 
> > you're on your way. Most PEAR classes also include regression tests 
> > which are rigourously run before releasing a new package.
> "A lie told often enough becomes the truth."
> Lenin
> You may twist the words as you like, but the truth is that most PEAR 
> packages do not come with real documentation. Inline PEAR-Doc comments 
> is not documentation, it is telegram. Some people can understand with a 
> few comments, but real documentation is made of text with many 
> explanatory full sentences and most PEAR package do not have it, which 
> is only natural because it takes a long time to produce real 
> documentation and most developers do not have the time or do not enjoy 
> producing documentation.
> What you say below has no relation to the paragraphs that you quoted 
> before this.
> > I don't know why you're bringing up something like this. I said nothing 
> > about your privacy policy or what you do with e-mail addresses. I didn't 
> > bash your site. I didn't say that it wasn't helpful. I am not hostile 
> > towards your site. If you look back in this thread, you will see that 
> > *YOU* have been the one making this a feud. You are the one assuming 
> > that I am attacking you. You are the one who always turns it into a 
> > bashing contest against PEAR. I have bot bashed your site or your code 
> > once until this latest e-mail, and I am not bashing your site (although 
> > I could) or the ideas behind it (which are very good and laudable). All 
> > I have done is offer an alternative and my view on why it is a good one. 
> > I have shared my view and what I see as good about PEAR in good faith 
> > and all you have done is complain. You have not given any concrete 
> > reasons for your absolute hatred of PEAR. As I see it you have given 
> > three reasons:
> Are you trying to confuse people reading this thread or you are simply 
> clueless?
> As far as I can recall, you are the one that pushed PEAR in this thread.
> The initial poster presented a problem. I presented a solution that is 
> based on a class that for mere coincidence I made available in the PHP 
> Classes.
> Then, in a reaction to my message you presented a solution based on a 
> PEAR class, that did not solve the original problem. Obviously you were 
> not replying to the original poster but just presenting a competing 
> solution. If you really wanted to reply to the original poster, you 
> would reply to his message, not to my reply.
> Then I told you that your solution did not solve the original problem, 
> but then you insisted with statements that just confirmed that you did 
> not understand the original message, which is natural because your main 
> concern is to present a competing PEAR solution to my solution that just 
> for a coincidence is available in the PHP Classes site.
>  From then on you started a PEAR propaganda speech that has nothing to 
> do with the topic. So who is trying to attack who here?
> The way I see it, if you were really concerned in providing a real 
> solution to the original poster, you could have ignored my participation 
> in this thread and just replied to the original poster message. Since 
> you didn't, it is obvious to me that you have an obcessive compulsion to 
> provide competing messages to mine, especially when I present solutions 
> based on classes that I make available in the PHP Classes site.
> If my memory does not fail, this is at least the third thread that you 
> make this act of pushing PEAR as an alternative to classes made 
> available in the PHP Classes site.
> As to your silly claims of hatred towards PEAR, that only shows that you 
> are completely out of the loop. You may look here to start getting a clue:
> If I really hated PEAR as you claim, would I allow publishing PEAR based 
> classes in the PHP Classes site?
> Would I list and review PEAR books in the PHP Classes site?
> The author of this book wrote me before the book it was published and 
> asked me to list and review the book. The author told me that he wrote 
> the book because PEAR project is not very well known and he thought that 
>   publishing this book would help PEAR. If I hated PEAR as you say, 
> would I agree to list the book and publish a review?
> Now, pay close attention to this PEAR site page.
> Do you know why my name is listed in this page. I did not ask to list my 
> name. This PEAR package is based on another package that I developed and 
> has over 12,000 lines of code. This PEAR package exists because I 
> proposed it. If I really hated PEAR as you say, would I ever propose a 
> PEAR package based on a large package that I developed?
> Sure I criticize PEAR rules but the criticism is intentionally 
> constructive because it is meant to open PEAR people eyes so they 
> realize why PEAR is not reaching out and do something about it.
> > And now, for a bit of discussion about *your* code. This thread has been 
> > a baseless bash of PEAR for far too long.
> > 
> > Let's go back to documentation. Hmmm, I see code documentation at all, 
> If you do not see it, you must not be looking in the right places.
> So far I have published 27 packages in the PHP Classes site.
> But this is just a part of my published Open Source developments. Here 
> you may find a more complete listing:
> As you may see, these are a lot of projects. Therefore my time is 
> limited. So, I only invest time in producing proper documentation in 
> significant projects. Smaller projects come usually with well commented 
> examples. Just this project manual has 280K and the tutorial more 70K.
> This another popular project that is throughly documented.
> > how interesting. Sure, there are "test" scripts which are really only 
> > examples, and those have a fair amount of comments in them, but your 
> > code itself has none. No comments for the functions. No comments for the 
> Don't be ridiculous. I do not think bloating source code with comments 
> is the way to go. Other reputed developers think like me . Here is an 
> explanation from Sterling Hughes:
> My code style is verbose. I use meaningful names for variables. You can 
> read my code as in English. If you do not understand my PHP code, you 
> need to study more PHP.
> > arguments. A maintainer of the code would have to look at the "tests" to 
> > know what the packages do. Sure, that's fine while you (the maintainer) 
> > are still here, but what if you move on? How will a new guy maintain 
> > your code? What if you're away on sabbatical and someone needs a bug 
> Don't be silly, I have received so many bug reports and feature request 
> for my code that sometimes it is hard to reply to everybody that writes 
> me. Many users write to send patches for my code. Only in your clueless 
> imagination you can assume it is otherwise.
> > fix? No one else can easily step in and make a change unless they are 
> > *intimate* with your code or take the time needed to become intimate.
> No one can fix any code without knowing how it works, regardless what 
> kind of documentation it has.
> > That is not what I would call good documentation.
> Only you are defending that comments is good documentation. Read 
> Sterling comments so I do not have to repeat what I think.
> > Let's go further. Your code is much less robust than most PEAR modules I 
> > have looked at. Not only do you duplicate functionality left and right, 
> > giving a use the samer getmxrr.php file in multiple packages and making 
> > them deal with including it themselves, your functions seem strange and 
> Oh, man, you really did not do your home work. That script is just an 
> interface to a DNS resolver class developed by another author so it 
> could replace GetMXRR function under Windows or on systems where that 
> function does not work. Since it is a small script I copy it everywhere 
> it is needed because I do not want people to force downloading a pile a 
> packages just to use a small script that comes with one of them.
> I am not fan of nested dependencies like PEAR people seem to enjoy. Deep 
> nested dependencies is the source of software bloat because it makes 
> people download a pile of packages just a small functionality provided 
> by one of the packages but it did not need all the others that it requested.
> > low level. I can do what you do in your tests with a few lines of code 
> > and a PEAR module. The functionality you give is nowhere near the the 
> > funtionality of the similar PEAR packages and far more confusing. Not 
> > everyone can implement everything, but in this case, I'd go with the 
> > more usable and more fully featured package.
> Yes, by the time you start using all those packages that you download, 
> you realize that PHP has wasted too much memory and time processing all 
> the code of the packages that you used, even though you have just used 
> just a little bit of one or few packages.
> Man, you really need to learn more about software economics.
> >> One final curious comment, while you try so hard to push PEAR and 
> >> fight PHP Classes as if they are mutually exclusive, I think you do 
> >> not know that several PEAR authors also come to the PHP Classes site 
> >> and publish their classes their. I think they understand that exposure 
> >> in two repositories is better than in just one.
> >>
> > 
> > Putting your code up on multiple places is great. I don't disagree with 
> > that *OR* phpclasses at all. You just seem to think that I am. Why are 
> > you so defensive? What are you afraid of?
> I am just restoring your distorted view of the truth.
> Just as reminder, this thread only turned into this discussion because 
> instead of replying to the original posted, you posted a competitive 
> reply to my own reply, just because I presented a solution that really 
> solved the original problem that was based on a class that for mere 
> coincidence is made available in the PHP Classes site.
> I am sure that if I did not reply initially in this thread, you would 
> even have started posting because your reply was just meant to be 
> competitive propaganda of PEAR as alternative to my solution.
> One file remark: cooperating is better than competing. If you are smart 
> enough you will realize what you are wasting with your competitive posts.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Manuel Lemos
> PHP Classes - Free ready to use OOP components written in PHP
> PHP Reviews - Reviews of PHP books and other products
> Metastorage - Data object relational mapping layer generator
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