I am just starting in php (but 10 years experience in developping, last 5 years in JAVA). I have installed on a Windows 2000 PC: Apache 2.0 as localhost-server, MySQL 4.0.17 and PHP 4.3.4-Win32. All parts seem to work properly. My first steps into php also looked quite well. Next level: sending HTML-forms and then reading the POSTed vars on another page, also was running fine. B*U*T, when defining some $_SESSION vars, their values were NOT available on another page in the same session. (I was using session-start properly). When testing and experimenting with phpinfo, ini_get(), and similars, I found this: The php.ini file is C:\WINNT\php.ini, also found by get_cfg_var("cfg_file_path"). When I do some changes in the ini, maybe for session_save.path (which was "/tmp" and I change to "C:\PHP\sessiondata"), and I stop and start the apache again (sometimes I stoped and restarted Windows), then the ini_get("session.save_path") delivers again "/tmp". The same happens with other ini-variables: (very important is, to get error-messages, but I cannot change the specific vars in the ini, better: I can change, but it has no effect). I was looking, if there are other "ini"s in my system, but NO. And... and...and ...:two days work without result. The question, I see, is: from where does Apache+PHP take the values for the ini-Params, because from my php.ini obviously NOT. Thank you in advance for reading (and laughing ?) about my silly problem. Maybe, you have an idea, what is to do ? Buri (say simply "Buri" instead of Burckhardt) -- PHP Windows Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php