From: Trystano >If you a beginner, then the online manual might not be a good start. Might so be, but on the other hand, some languages are better suited to start to learn than others. (If we now are talking about learning to do programming, and not just learning php). It use to be said: BASIC, learn only language PASCAL, read only language C, write only languge php is a derivate of C... I think that stands for it self when it comes to the learning cure of php. >I still find the maual quite complex (must just be me :s). Interesting, because I find the manual quite clear cut and easy to use. Only becasue of speed optimization (some people name it lazyness) I use to, from time to time, ask a coullegue of mine "what's da bloody name of the php function that do this-and-that?" Otherwis one only has to search on an ANSI-C library function name, and one monstly find somthing then. And if that does not help, then spending some time rading the online manual resolve it. The arguments are quite the same as in C, typless thou, and for me php feels like a cute user "friendly" wraped C interpreter. Well, maybe one gets brain damage after been writing code for to long. Must be some gover-mental fund for this were one is allowed to reclaim some bucks, or? Anyhow, I still think that the guys who wrote the online manula really should have all honour for that. It's probably been a great contribution on to why php is spread as it is today. -- PHP Windows Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: