while(list($tmp1,$tmp2)=each($_REQUEST))$$tmp1=$tmp2; Include at the top of all your documents, and it should work... The reason is the register_globals defaults to off last years or so, which it says in the FAQ and in the manual, as well as in the mailing list archives, which you must have ignored even though it's a notice saying 'Check the archives before posting a question, chances are it has already been asked and answered a few times.' This question has been answered just about a million times before.. -- // DvDmanDT MSN: dvdmandt¤hotmail.com Mail: dvdmandt¤telia.com "Yang Li Ke" <yanglike@sympatico.ca> skrev i meddelandet 20040127142251.78730.qmail@pb1.pair.com">news:20040127142251.78730.qmail@pb1.pair.com... > I have the same error on a PHP Version 4.3.4 > > Can anyone give a solution ? > > > -- > > > "Josep" <tweek@canal21.com> wrote in message > 20040127090654.83553.qmail@pb1.pair.com">news:20040127090654.83553.qmail@pb1.pair.com... > > Hi, > > > > I was using PHP 4.1.1 for windows without any problem. But I can't put a > > newer version into my server. > > In versions after PHP 4.1.1 if I pass a simple form value to a next php > > document, the value "loose" its value :-(. > > I haven't touch anything in php.ini file. > > > > Here the code example (that works successfully with version 4.1.1 and > prior) > > where I've omited irrelevant code: > > > > <form name="form1" method="post" action="provaVariables2.php"> > > <input name="valor" type="text" value="Hello"> > > <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"> > > </form> > > > > > > In provaVariables2.php: > > <body> > > <? echo "The value is: $valor"; ?> > > </body> > > > > > > The result is: "The value is: " > > > > > > Thank you. > > Josep. -- PHP Windows Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php