hay guyz im stuck with graphs again ...... i am generating bar graphs in simple php code now i have to replace these with "folor-full" pie charts in flash i came accross 2 good flash pie-charts on the net but im clueless as how i can integrate my php code with either one of these ..... n the one i like better has just these few lines for code: // Copyright 2001 Zymotik.com // Created by Ian Brown 3/7/2001 // Last Update: 5/7/2001 // set your colours! // number of colours colournum = 7; // the colours in hex vars // RRGGBB ( Hex Values! ) colour1 = 0x9CD3F5; colour2 = 0x62B6F0; colour3 = 0x0593E2; colour4 = 0x0056C2; colour5 = 0x004E9E; colour6 = 0x003868; colour7 = 0x002B47; ========================================================== second flash pie chart: stop(); // setup tooltip text field this.fmtToolTip = new TextFormat(); this.fmtToolTip.font = "Arial"; this.fmtToolTip.size = 12; this.createTextField("textToolTip", 1000, 0, 0, 1, 1); this.textToolTip.autoSize = true; this.textToolTip._visible = false; this.textToolTip.border = true; this.textToolTip.multiline = true; this.textToolTip.selectable = false; this.textToolTip.background = true; this.textToolTip.backgroundColor = 0xFFFFE0; newLabel = ""; newValue = ""; scale = 80; n = 6; rad = 200; aValue = new Array(n); aLabel = new Array(n); for (var i = 0; i<n; i++) { aValue[i] = 30+Math.random()*100; aLabel[i] = "Label "+i; } attachMovie("panel", "panel", 3); panel._x = 5; panel._y = 5; attachMovie("piegraph", "pg", 2); pg._x = 400; pg._y = 250; pg._xscale = pg._yscale=scale; pg.setRadius(rad); function addNewSlice() { var val; if (newLabel == "" && newValue == "") { val = Math.round(30+Math.random()*100); pg.addSlice(val, "Label "+val); } else { val = parseFloat(newValue); pg.addSlice(val, newLabel); } newLabel = ""; newValue = ""; } function removeAllSlices() { pg.removeAll(); } function shrink() { scale -= 10; if (scale<10) { scale = 10; } pg._xscale = pg._yscale=scale; } function grow() { scale += 10; if (scale>100) { scale = 100; } pg._xscale = pg._yscale=scale; } function showLabels(bShow) { pg.displayLabels(bShow); } function showToolTip(str) { this.textToolTip.text = str; this.textToolTip.setTextFormat(this.fmtToolTip); this.textToolTip._x = this._xmouse; this.textToolTip._y = this._ymouse-this.textToolTip._height; this.textToolTip._visible = true; } function hideToolTip() { this.textToolTip.text = ""; this.textToolTip._visible = false; } function isToolTipVisible() { return this.textToolTip._visible; } ============================================================== now for my bar graphs code i pass "rprt_gf.php" 3 variables 1. title of hte graph 2. graph data 3. label == months =============================================================== i cnt think of a proper and neat way to get about all this i would really appriciate any ideas thnx a million guyz ..... eternally stuck ....... toby ...... ________________________________________________________________________ Want to chat instantly with your online friends? Get the FREE Yahoo! Messenger http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com/ -- PHP Windows Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php