Maybe someone can give me a heads up on this code. Ideally what I am looking for is this: The user submits their email address for registration. Before the e-mail gets submitted to a database, if it's bogus the user does not get an e-mail confirmation sent back to them. However, If it's a vaild email address, the user gets an e-mail confirmation with a link that incorporates a md5() hash of the email address for insertion into a mySQL database. Problems: When I submit the form I receive an e-mail with an active link which encompasses the complete string. I wanted the users email address and $secret_variable to be concentated and then passed to a md5 function call to be stored in the $confirmation_ID variable. That isn't happening. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. Here's the code... Thank you. Tony Ritter ..................................... /*the .html form which takes a name and an e-mail address */ <html> <body> <form action="process_a.php" method="post"> <p> Your name:<br> <input type="text" name="name"><br> Your e-mail address:<br> <input type="text" name="email"><br> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"> </body> </form> </html> ............... /*process_a.php: which receives the name and email variables. The script then tries to then send the note back to the user with a link - called CLICK. When the user hits the link to email_verify.php the email address is inserted into the database*/ <? $msg = "Thank you for registering $name\n\n"; $msg .= "<a$email&confirma tion_ID=$confirmation_ID>CLICK</a>"; $secret_variable = "something_only_you_know"; $confirmation_ID = md5($email.$secret_variable); $to=""; $subject="Thank you for registering"; $mailheaders="From: Us"; mail($to,$subject,$msg,$mailheaders); ?> ............. // email_verify.php <? if ($_GET['confirmationID'] = md5($_GET['email'].$secret_variable)) { // insert the user into the database } else { // display an error message } ?> -- PHP Windows Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: