On Fri, 2011-12-02 at 11:16 -0600, bigseb wrote: > I read somewhere that in order for a program to work properly in Wine it should be installed in a clean enviroment, something along the lines of one software conflicting with anothers drivers/runtime/apps/etc. Is this true? Does this mean that I can only have one program installed with Wine at a time? > > Can one not create several 'fresh enviroments'? > Yes, you can create as many environments, known as 'prefixes' as you want: cd $HOME mkdir .wine_myapp export WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine_myapp" # now install and run your application After that you might find it worthwhile to use a wrapper script to run the app. Here's a howto: http://www.libelle-systems.com/free/wine/launcher_script.html Martin