Greetings! We are building a project in which we need Wine to allocate its memory in a shared memory that would be accessible to our custom sub-processes. We use Wine to run Unity3D. So far so good. Now, the idea is to run 3 independent sub-processes, each with its own graphical context (one per GPU on a 3 GPU machine), which would need to have access to client-side buffers (indices, normals, vertices, etc.). So, in order to do just that, when Unity demands to create such buffers, we want Wine to create these for Unity in shared memory, and then pass the shared memory pointers to the sub processes. We have explored the map_view and wine_mmap_enum_reserved_areas functions, where memory is allocated. But before we break anything, we'd like to know if there's a recommended, or best, way to do this. Thanks so much in advance!