On 10/23/2011 04:07 PM, lanzd wrote:
I feel I'm not in the right directory but when I try to navigate past the folder "Program Files" in the terminal it won't let me because of the space.
You can use a backslash before the space to let Linux know how to handle it. For example on my system getting to Lord of the Rings Online would be:
cd .wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/PyLotRO/ and then: wine pylotro.exe
Again, When I run the video test it says to the liking of "The video test had not detected any usable video modes" To tparker: I'm in ubuntu 10.04 and I know I can goto System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers to enable and disable any Proprietary drivers. Is this the same as what your talking about? If not how would I go about uninstalling the driver and then reinstalling the same driver
You may need the proprietary driver enabled for most games to work. I have not used Ubuntu in many years so I am not sure if disabling it and then re-enabling it is enough or if you need to use a package manager or command line tool to uninstall the driver you have and then reinstall it, so that it goes through it's set up process again. If you have not tried disable/re-enable I would definitely try that first. Maybe someone using Ubuntu can chime in on the reinstall process if that doesn't work.