BkS wrote: > > Wine's cfg won't even let me "test" the sound, so now I have no sound for LFS, Photoshop quits after 1 minute and nothing else wants to start up. SOMEBODY help me either fix the problems, or help me downgrade to 1.3.29. Please. > The current version of Wine is 1.3.31. One of the things it does fix is is the crashing-on-start regression that hit a lot of apps in 1.3.30 (that's probably what killed Photoshop for you). As for the sound issue, do you happen to be using the "winepulse" driver? I ask, because your description sounds like http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=26271, which was closed as invalid because that driver is unofficial and unsupported. As for how to straighten out your package manager problem, ask on the Ubuntu forum. It is not a Wine issue.