Re: Error code: 0x80070002

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On 9/5/11 8:48 PM, pzr wrote:
The program is freegate 7.16, the app itself will install a driver of its own, not a hardware driver, maybe a network filter. Just now, I tried to put the app under directory drive_c, and starts the app use command:
wine start 'C:\fg716p.exe'

Seems no previous error, but the driver still can't be installed. Any idea?
Following is the end part of the log.

fixme:advapi:CheckTokenMembership ((nil) 0x129b38 0x33ec30) stub!
fixme:crypt:CertAddEncodedCTLToStore (0x12ab60, 00010001, 0x460000, 1666, 00000004, (nil)): stub
fixme:crypt:CertAddEncodedCTLToStore (0x12ab60, 00010001, 0x12b390, 1169, 00000004, (nil)): stub
fixme:crypt:CertEnumCTLsInStore (0x12ab60, (nil)): stub
fixme:crypt:CertEnumCTLsInStore (0x12af40, (nil)): stub
fixme:advapi:CheckTokenMembership ((nil) 0x122130 0x33f1a4) stub!

Can you capture the entire log and post it to a site like and then post the URL for the 'pastie' here? Looks like there is more to this than what is here.

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