C3PO wrote: > Unfortunately there is nothing close to FAR on *NIX platform I used about 10 different file managers, MC included and they all suck compared to FAR. You are welcome to make them better. Aside from few things MC as much if not more powerful then Far, especially editor. FAR won't ever be the right solution for *NIX. It doesn't understand many things, and doesn't get the "first person view" on what's going on with the system. But will have to look through Wine's goggles. The only people who want to use Far on *NIX are ones who do not understand system well enough. There are things that Far just can't do (just to name major problems): - Set correct file permissions - Change group/ownership of files - Create/show/edit symlinks - Properly handle special files - Correctly understand *NIX paths - Handle multiple files with the same name but different case (eg "file" and "File" and "FILE")