Well, that's the problem I have. With no output, I have no idea what
the problem could be :-)
I doubt that the problem lies either with my script or with Wine itself
- after all, run from the terminal everything is hunky-dory - but you
never know and I believe in trying to eliminate the simpler things first.
Anyway, the only noticeable change to the program's behaviour after
doing as you suggest is that there is now a brief but noticeable delay
between moving the cursor into the window and the program quitting.
It's not a major biggie; I have a work around. It's just an irritating
behaviour that didn't used to happen (back around about Wine 1.3.20) and
I'd rather not have happening.
David Shaw
On 21/08/11 19:38, doh123 wrote:
I'm not really sure where the problem lies, but have you tried doing like...
wine fcw32.exe&
The shell script should stop running and just leave the Wine process running