Hi All, Just started to try to get 1 windoz program to run in Ubuntu since I can't find a good alternative. Been running Ubuntu for 3 years but this is above my expertise. Profili is airplane wing profile software that will generate G-code for a CNC router. When I try to get it to run under WIne it gives me this error and quits... "Impossible to open database C:\windows\profiles\superbug\My Documents\Profilipro\Libraries\ProfiliProNoPolar.mdb." The file is present at the location that it calls for but the program must need something else other than a file at that location. I searched the archives and tried the commands winetricks jet40 and winetricks mdac28 in a terminal window before running but still nogo. The archive lists a winetrick mdac25 but that just brings up an error when ran in the terminal. Any ideas? I also have the question...do you have to run the winetrick commands in a terminal every time before running the software or are they installed and good to go now? TIA