Cloudef, Thanks, it works! I use NVIDIA indeed. It seems the key lies in moving to the game directory first (weird, I'm pretty sure I already tested this). The following works as well, Code: cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Activision/Call\ of\ Duty\ 4\ -\ Modern\ Warfare/ xinit /usr/bin/wine iw3sp.exe -- :1 I'm wondering what the options -ac and -terminate mean. I can't find them in the man page for X. There's still on problem though. When the game runs in the separate X server, I don't hear any sound. I do hear the sound when I switch back to the desktop (Ctrl+Alt+F7) while the game is running, so sound is working. This might have something to do with the patched Wine version I use which uses PulseAudio. Is there a way to get sound working in the separate X server as well?