On 7/17/11 10:54 AM, Sheva wrote:
Hi folks out there,
I'm new to this project but very keen on more information. The reason I want to have Wine, is because I want to get "Klingon Academy" on OS X. On every Windows Revision above Win 98 the game fails, so I thought: "Why not do it the other way around and try Wine?"
So, here I am. And after the first look into the Wiki page, I was VERY confused on how I should do it. I've build a few programs up until now, but this help just confuses me.
I've grabbed the source code and installed xquartz new, those point were clear. But the rest...
You might be better off Googling for the osxwinebuilder script and using
that to build and install wine with.
If you do not feel comfortable using UNIX shell scripts, then try either
MacPorts or Fink. Both have Wine as an installable product and
build/create/retrieve all of the required dependencies for you.