totry wrote: > Bonjour Jake,ce que je voulais dire par: "there is no longer than i work with" > si je traduit "c'est que ca ne fais pas longtemps que je travaille avec Wine" I think a better translation would be "It has not been long that I have worked with Wine" or "I haven't worked with Wine for very long." totry wrote: > > Suite au message *52 que tu m'a écrit est-ce que je fais toute ces operations avant d'installer Wine ou après?. Quelle message de SpawnHappyJake parlez-vous de? (which post by SpawnHappyJake are you referring to?) celui-ci? (this one?) [quote_SpawnHappyJake]I couldn't quite make out what you meant by "Excuse me there is no longer than i work with". Are you just saying that you only have so much time for this? Rephrasing that would be appreciated. I care about what you say, and want to know what it is. I'm a Linux Mint 11 64-bit user as well! What a coincidence! To upgrade your WINE in Linux Mint, you do it the same way you would in Ubuntu. [/quote] ou l'autre? (or the other one) [quote_SpawnHappyJake] I guess you already figured out how to install the latest WINE by the time I responded. I started that reply the night before last, left it, then came back to it. But have you installed The Witcher since you updated WINE, or did you only update WINE? You should delete your .wine folder now that you have the latest WINE (save anything you want to keep), let it make a new one, and install The Witcher using the new WINE in accordance to how the AppDB does it: [/quote] Le premier message est quoi vous devriez faire pour l'installer WINE correctement. The dernier est quoi vous devriez faire apres vous installez WINE - ca c'est les parametres du WINE pour le Witcher - utilisez Wine's regedit pour ca. The first post is what you should do to install Wine correctly. The last one is what you should do after you install Wine - that is the Wine parameters for the Witcher - use Wine's regedit for that.