What happens if you copy the prefix folder over? That would prove if it is a WINE version regression of the WINE program itself, or if it's "just" a registry value or dll or something like that that needs to be tweaked. What I mean is, on the Linux installation that it is working in, if you copy the working WINE prefix folder (folder you installed the program into, by default a folder named ".wine" in your home folder) over to this other machine, and renamed the folder to, say, "PowerBuilder", and ran the program out of that prefix by specifying "WINEPREFIX=[path to PowerBuilder prefix folder]", would it work then? You'd just go to terminal and enter "WINEPREFIX=[path to PowerBuilder prefix folder] wine [path to PowerBuilder executable, or whatever it is that you run]". If it works, you can make a launcher that does all that for you so you can run it with a simple double-click. Cheers, Jake[/list]