Hi, I am trying to run wIntergate by IBM (Now U2) which is a gloried telnet terminal for connecting to mv database server. The installation worked fine. The problem is with execution of wInteg.exe. It starts fine but after some time throws error "An Unexpected license error 0x40000000 has occur" after which it hangs. On investigating in Windows environment. I see that it's also executing wIntegSM.exe for license check. (Process monitor report). If I try to try to run wIntegSM.exe manually from both wine or in Windows environment I get the message "This program cannot be run stand alone" implying that wIntegSM.exe is getting executed from wInteg.exe I tried setting wIntegSM.exe as executable and associating it with wine needless to say it didn't work. To try with different method I mounted Windows partition executed cmd.exe with wine and then tried to execute wInteg.exe hoping that it will execute wIntegSM.exe for license check but it also did not work and I still get the same error. Any thoughts?