Re: Help for a complete newbie? (Bulletstorm mouse issues)

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On 6/3/11 7:25 PM, HimAgain wrote:
Isn't wineskin a tool specifically used to make wrappers? Or is that not how I make files work?
Wineskin is NOT supported here. Please visit the web site for the product to get assistance.

and I'm on a mac so... can I still do that?
You can install 'vanilla' Wine with either MacPorts or Fink if you do not want to go through the entire process. Also Ryan Woodsmall created a script, osxwinebuilder to do this as a stand-alone project.

I feel so stupid =_=

Don't. We all were new at one time and went through some of the 'growing' pains of learning about OSX and Wine.

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