On 5/28/11 7:42 PM, dk wrote:
I've been trying to track down the version of Wine that a bug first appeared.
Why? Use Git and run a regression test. Much faster and easier than
building Wine.
I've downloaded each Wine source, compiled them, and am running the application from their build directory. It's no surprise that I'm slowly running out of disk space.
I only keep the last three development builds and the last stable.
I'd like to keep the build directories for further testing. What files can I remove safely? Has anyone written a script for this purpose?
You can safely delete all of the source and object code, that is files
ending with .c and .o. DO NOT delete files ending in .dll, .exe, dll.so
and .exe.so Those are the files built by your compiler. If you are
running on a Mac, add files ending in .dylib (dynamic library.)
James McKenzie